Created by a law of 1910, the tourist tax is instituted on the initiative of the municipalities realizing expenses favoring the reception of tourists. Originally, it could only be instituted by classified tourist resorts. This possibility has been extended over the years, to mountain towns in 1985, a year later to coastal towns, in 1988 to towns carrying out tourism promotion actions and, finally, to towns carrying out protection and management of their natural spaces in 1995. It became instituted by the public establishments of inter-municipal cooperation (EPCI) which respect the conditions applicable to the municipalities from the year 1999.
Since June 29, 2022, the community of communes Coteaux Arrats Gimone has decided to introduce a community tourist tax.
This real tax applies to the entire territory of the community of communes Coteaux Arrats Gimone. It must be paid by all accommodation providers, hoteliers and owners of accommodation for persons residing for consideration in the territory, between January 1 and December 31.
The product of the tourist tax will be exclusively allocated to expenses intended to promote the territory and to encourage its tourist frequentation.
Tourist tax will be added to the price of your stay. This tax will be collected by the accommodation provider your are staying at, on behalf of the Communauté de Communes Coteaux Arrats Gimone. This tax is based on the type of accommodation and the number of people.
Accommodation categories | Rates (additional taxes included) |
Palaces | 4,02 € |
5-star tourist hotels, 5-star tourist residences, 5-star tourist accommodation | 2,41 € |
4-star tourist hotels, 4-star tourist residences, 4-star furnished tourist accommodation | 2,01 € |
3-star tourist hotels, 3-star tourist residences, 3-star furnished tourist accommodation | 1,61 € |
2-star tourist hotels, 2 star tourist residences, 2 star furnished tourist accommodation, 4 and 5 star holiday villages | 1,21€ |
1-star tourist hotels, 1-star tourist residences, 1-star furnished tourist accommodation, 1, 2 and 3-star holiday villages, bed and breakfasts, group hostels | 1,07 € |
Campgrounds and caravan parks classified as 3,4 and 5 stars and any other outdoor accommodation grounds of equivalent characteristics, pitches in motorhome areas and tourist car parks per 24 hour period | 0,80 € |
Campgrounds and caravan sites classified as 1 and 2 stars and any other outdoor accommodation site with equivalent characteristics, marinas | 0,27 € |
Accommodation awaiting classification or without classification, with the exception of the other categories of accommodation mentioned above (price proportional to the cost of the night) | 5 % |
The rates for ranked accommodations in stars, palaces, bed and breakfast, group hostels, camper van's areas, campsites and caravan pitches and yacht harbours are fixed in euros, per night and per taxable person, according to the nature and category of the accomodation (listed above).
The proportionnal rate(1) for unranked hotel, furnished flats of tourisme and holiday residences, vacation villages as well as any unclassifiable accommodation exclusive of groupe hostels, bed and breakfast and outdoor accommodation is 5% of the overnight stay(2) per person, capped at a maximum of 3,00€.
(1) Proportionnal rate = overnight stay(2) price excl. tax per occupant x 5% capped at a maximum of 3,00€
(2) Overnight stay price excl. tax per occupant = accommodation price excl. tax for the stay / number of nights of the stay / Number of occupants.
Are exempt from tax according to the article L. 2333-31 of CGCT :
- minors / people under 18,
- seasonal contractors employed on the territory,
- people benifiting from an embergency housin or a temporary rehousing.
Délibération n°2022-06-069 - Instauration de la taxe de séjour