2025-1-01 2025-12-31


Lors de ce circuit d'environ 3 à 4 heures, vous découvrirez les environs de Simorre sur le cicruit des Évêques.

Cross the river Gimone behind the campsite (follow the signs No. 1 red) continue your way, cut the D12 to head to Baillasbats high place of prehistory with the discovery of the paleontological site of Moupaté and Labat.

Pass near the church dedicated to St Valentin patron of winemakers and in the descent of the paved path a herd of llamas will come say hello.

Further on, cross a site where several mastodondes and some turquoise were discovered. After the tennis court, go down to the Lauze and follow it for a few miles.

Step back on Moncaut where you will have a magnificent view of the Abbey of Faget Abbatial. Continuing your way, pass by a beautifully restored windmill to descend on Lamaguère where you will see the castle ruins of the 12th century. Join softwood Aguin, get off at Lambert on Arrats valley and climb up to cross the wood aguin, go back to the ford In Herranet.

The descent to the valley Gimone is not a problem, cross the D12 to the loft (mark off) and after crossing the river climb to Gruos where a magnificent view on Simorre campaign awaits you. Go by the road of Eembayle and Rajogats (high palaeontological) to arrive at Loriole mill. The last beautiful but very rapid descent of "coucassé" take you back to the stadium.

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