2025-1-01 2025-12-31


Anne welcomes you to discover her hives and her passion for bees, in Lartigue, in the Gers countryside.

From the end of May to the beginning of September, possibility to visit the apiary with observation of the colonies, loan of clothing and tasting of hive products included for 10¤/person.

Come and live an unusual experience: a siesta with the bees! In a hut designed for two people, you can lie down, in complete safety, above the hives. You will feel the energy of bee colonies. Ideal conditions for a relaxing sleep. This hut will allow you to breathe the air coming from the hive, saturated with aromas of honey, wax, propolis, pollen and royal jelly... A pleasant smell, vibrations, a slight hum, guaranteed relaxation.

Price 30¤/30min/person.

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