2025-1-01 2025-12-31


Un magnifique parcours qui vous mène à travers champs, le long d'un ruisseau, dans les bois d'un château...sans jamais perdre de vue le charmant village de Sainte - Marie.

The history of Sainte Marie is closely linked to the Cistercian monks of Gimont, Lords of these lands to the barn near the Hour of Saint-Martin (1158). At that time, the village was called Manville. The recent depopulation of the countryside gradually imposed the grouping of parishes and municipalities.

Sainte-Marie now has 5 churches: the parish church in the heart of the town, those of St. Martin's Hour, Saint-Germain, the Traves and St. Pé du Bosc.

Departure: parking of the rural household.

1: Head to the church bypassing the rural home, then go along the cemetery. Turn right.

Turn left at the intersection and up the road for 1 km.

2: At the intersection, turn left on the small road, then continue left on the ridge trail.

After the grove, the path turns left. Continue on 200 m.

3: Follow the stone path to the left, then down to the farm. The bypass on the left, cross the valley and up along the wood.

Take the D105 to the right a few meters.

4: Down the valley left by the path along the fields to the stream.

Variation: follow the stream left to arrive in 6.

5: Continue the tree-lined road that rises to the crest. Before the descent, turn left, go down and ruin left to the small lake.

Continue straight and then down the valley.

6: Follow the stream, cross to the other side. Penetrate the undergrowth, then follow the crops.

7: In the woods, at the crossroads, turn left, cross the stream and go up to the D105. The borrowing left onto Sainte-Marie.

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