2025-1-01 2025-12-31


Du coeur de ce charmant village, partez sur les sentiers et admirez les très beaux points de vue sur la chaîne des Pyréneées. La chapelle Saint-Roch, ainsi que l'arboretum, retiendront particulièrement votre attention...

In Saint-Sauvy, near Gimont, you will discover the fountain and the arboretum, panoramic views of the Pyrenees, and a mill. In St. Antonin, you will see the well, the Saint Roch, and the church.

- Turn right onto the second street behind the church and engage left on chemin de la Fontaine (camin of Hount) coming down. Follow the stone path to the left (fountain and arboretum) for 1 km. Take the road to the right for 600 meters and cross a bridge.

- Turn left to reach Martinous. Longer term the right, go straight the way through fields (panorama of the Pyrenees) and 3 km further and lead the way.

> By road right opportunity to discover the village of Saint-Antonin, located 500 m.

- Take the road to the left for 700 m.

- Follow the white road to the left for 2 km, then take the road right onto Saint-Sauvy.

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